CAA, in conjunction with the Tennessee Apartment Association and the National Apartment Association, watches for potential legislative issues that may affect your communities’ operations. When relevant, a “call to action” email will be sent to members to lobby for a particular action to the noted legislator. Members of our Government Affairs committee coordinate with our State and National Legislation efforts and monitor local government action as it relates to apartments.
You can make a difference by being involved. Join our Government Affairs committee (all meetings held via zoom).
You also have access to the monthly national updates via zoom meetings as a benefit of your CAA membership.
State Advocacy
Tennessee Apartment Association (TNAA) coordinates support for or opposition to legislation that affects rental housing. TNAA helps to enhance the legislative involvement of the industry at the state and national level, and helps to enhance business opportunities for all Tennessee members and associates.
TNAA's goal is to expand educational opportunities for all our members through the coordinated provision of rental housing educational courses and to improve the level and availability of relevant rental housing information at the state and national level.
National Advocacy
Every March, leadership from apartment associations around the country head to Washington, D.C., as part of NAA Advocate, where rental housing industry professionals collectively aim to be heard by their Congresspeople regarding key federal priorities. The focus of legislative discussions centers around preventing adverse policies from taking hold. As the leading voice for the apartment housing industry, NAA works to ensure that public policy does not impede but rather enhances the ability of apartment owners and operators to run their business and provide housing to one-third of Americans.
NAA provides the affiliate network with ready-made issue research and policy analysis as they advise state and local policymakers. NAA is committed to making sure members understand the numerous policy initiatives affecting them and their business. NAA continuously monitors legislation and regulation around the country, whether the issue is federal, state, or local. Follow along in real time on the NAA interactive, real-time policy tracking map.